SLC Rail Away Days


SLC Rail support local authorities, LEPs and other third parties deliver rail infrastructure projects to enable economic growth. As part of our support to this growing business we deliver a yearly 'team away day' to enable the team to reflect, relax and re-energise.

  • 19/11/2019
  • SLC Rail

The Challenge

SLC Rail over the last few years has grown and developed. We work with SLC once per year to run an away day. The purpose of their annual team away day is to provide the team some important time to celebrate their successes, relax and think about the future.

The Solution

We delivered a two-day event at the Belfry Hotel and Spa. This was the winning venue after a period of venue sourcing as it was close to the head office for SLC Rail, however, far enough to provide the team an opportunity to get away and relax.
In advance of the event we set some ‘rules’ of participation which ensured that the event achieved the its objectives. We asked people to:

1. Leave their work at work

2. Put aside hierarchy

3. Enjoy themselves

The Event

We started off the event with an arrival dinner, drinks and evening entertainment. This provided a rare opportunity for the team to celebrate their successful year. It also enabled the opportunity for members of the team that do not work together regularly to meet each other and break bread.

After a relaxing evening, the team woke up for a day of team building.

The event started with an opportunity for the team to get to know each other a little better with a range of activities. This was an important way of enabling those that work together and those that do not to find out a little bit more about one another.

We included a moment for reflection so the team could look back and consider some of their big wins. It also provided an opportunity to recognise the growth and feel proud about the contribution every single person at the event had made to the growth.

A motivated team is one that feels listened too. We ran a series of activities where the team spoke about what they think is important for the future of SLC Rail.

The Results

The targets of the team away day were achieved. We created a day of smiles. We removed barriers, egos and negativity. We enabled the team to relax, reflect and re-energise.

The existing relationships were strengthened and new relationships were formed. A team with strong relationships makes a big impact to their productivity and the businesses success.

Sam UrenEngineering Director - SLC Rail

BA Events are unique, inventive and dynamic. They provided SLC Rail with an Away Day with a difference. Staff feedback was exceptional. Thank you BA Events.

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